Creating a set with pre-defined values
myset = {"this", "is", "1", "set", True}
Creating a set with the set() constructor. (Note the use of a tuple)
myset = set(("this", "is", "1", "set", True))
Sets are used to store multiple items in a single variable. (You can't have duplicates though!)
However, unlike lists, tuples, and dictionaries, sets are not ordered.
Additionally, the elements within a set cannot be modified! But, you can remove, edit, and re-add them.
Add Elements
You can add elements to a set by using the following function:
myset.add("this") #Throws an error if the input does not exist within the set
This function does not have a return value
Delete Elements
You can take away elements from a set using any of the following functions:
myset.remove("this") #Throws an error if the input does not exist within the set
myset.discard("this") #Removes the element from the set IF it exists
Note: there is no return type from either of these functions.
Check For an Element
You can check if a specific elements is in a set by using the "in" keyword as shown below:
if "this" in myset:
print("Found this")